Seaview Optical Logo in Color
Seaview Optical is located right next to Fresh Market, on the corner of Linton and Federal.

Most Insurance Plans Accepted

We accept most health and vision insurance plans. Use your insurance benefits and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) dollars towards eyeglasses, lenses, or even prescription sunglasses.

We Accept A Variety of Vision & Health Insurance Providers

Contact us if you don’t see your provider listed. Our staff will assist you with all information regarding your insurance and benefits. Use your insurance benefits and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) dollars towards eyeglasses, lenses, or even prescription sunglasses.

See complete list below with links to provider’s website.

Vision Insurance Plans We Accept

accepted insurance aetna
accepted insurance avesis
accepted insurance cigna
accepted insurance eyemed
accepted insurance vsp vision
accepted insurance superior vision
accepted insurance blue cross blue shield
accepted insurance spectera
accepted insurance compBenefits
accepted insurance humana
accepted insurance medicare
accepted insurance united healthcare

We Can Help You With Your Expenses

The cost of routine or specialized eye care services and eyewear can be worry for our patients. In many cases, vision or health insurance can lower these annual expenses.


Take advantage of the benefits offered by your insurance provider. Use your insurance benefits and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) dollars towards eyeglasses, lenses, or even prescription sunglasses

Insurance benefits are huge for our patients and thats why we accept most insurances.

Take advantage of the benefits offered by your insurance provider. Contact us to learn more about the details of your insurance coverage. Our goal is to help you maintain a healthy vision, conveniently and affordable.

Did you know your insurance can be used for more than your annual eye exam and eyeglasses?

Your vision insurance or FSA (Flexible Spending Account) can likely go towards your purchase. But on approved eye care products such as eyeglasses, sunglasses or contact lenses.

Most insurance plans have a “Use it or lose it” policy. Which means your benefits expire usually on December 31st and can’t be transferred over to the new year.

We carry a large selection of prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses for your choosing. Also, our expert opticians will assist you in picking the right frame and lenses that fits your lifestyle.